Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Chief Keef arrested

Chicago rapper...wait can I call him a rapper? No. Chicago SIDESHOW Chief Keef has been arrested on probation violation charges for shooting a semi-automatic rifle in New York city. Keef was even stupid enough to film himself shooting the gun that resulted in this violation. Even dumber, he put it in a music video! To his credit I wouldn't think anyone would see it either, I mean who watches Chief Keef videos? Apparently the police do.

This clown needs to stay locked up so we wont be subjected to his awful excuse for hip-hop any longer. Can the fans of rap press charges for how awful his lyrics are? Can we charge him for not knowing how to even speak english? Or can we at least lock up the people who call themselves fans of this moron? Please?

#Don'tFreeChiefKeef  #LockUpFrenchToo

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