Sunday, December 2, 2012

Nicki Minaj Keeps Beating A Dead Horse

With the sales success of her first album, it made sense for Nicki Minaj to re-up on the idea, and go for another round with her Pink Friday idea. However, listeners felt differently and it showed with Nicki's suprising low sales when her latest projected dropped this year. Her low sales were attributed to the female MC recycling an old idea, and putting out an album that was basically the same as her first. So naturally you would think vthat even Nicki realizes this idea is played out and more than stale right? Nope. Not even close.

Nicki said today in an interview tht her third project will once agian be an extnsion of her Pink Friday albvum this time called "Pink Friday Roman Re-Loaded: The Re-Up". If you have to add that mant extensions to your album name, maybe you should try to think of a new idea. That must be a crazy thought to Nicki as she continues to try and feed off of her initial success by hammering the same ideas and lack of creativity into her fans heads. Its time for a new idea Nicki, its getting old. Shouldnt the low album sales have been a clue to move on to a new faze in your career, and give fans some new material. Oh wait nevermind, she decided to blame the low album sales on Walmart instead. She bashed the store for not carying her album due to explicit lyrics, and claimed the reason her ablum flopped was because people couldnt get it at Walmrt. You dont think people coukld have gone and bought it at anohter store if they really wanted it Nicki? Or online maybe? Ever heard of itunes? Look in the mirror Nicki, and admit that it wasnt Walmart orany other stores fault that fans didnt want your ,usic. It is your fault for putting tired ideas on the shelkves and expecting to fool fans into thinking it is something new worth buying. And now your going to try and feed us the same chewed up, played out material AGAIN? Youre album should flop.

Nicki's sctick is getting old not just her music creativity. She is trying so hard to stand out and be a celebrity instead of an MC. Its growing old and her album sales should be a message to her, and a wake up call. Chnage it up and give hip hop fans something new to listen to, or go away until you have something new to put out. Your craziness isnt charming anyomre its just gotten annoying, and we dont want to listen to you yell anyomre.

Nicki has the raw skill and she certainly has talent, but she needs to worker harder to show it to us. Too many rappers these days sell out and get lazy. With Wayne as one of her mentors it isnt  wonder that Nicki sold out so fast. I just hope she gets back on her grind and gives us some fresh music that shows her skill, for the fans sake and her career's sake.

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